Vmkfstools Windows 10


Hi all,

I am trying to grow a datastore. The reason for this is that I have swapped drives to some larger ones. The drive was the one where ESXi was installed as well as the local data store. I started by shutting everything down. I placed the ESXi drive in my laptop along with me new larger capacity drive to replace it. I booted parted magic from a USB and cloned the disk over to the new one. After the clone I opened the partitionmanager in parted magic to have it auto correct the GPT size to use the new drives capacity. Everything looked fine. After this I put the new drive in and booted back up the server. Everything started just fine. I then had to re add the data store, after this I tested my VMs and everything was fine. ESXi was reporting the correct drive size for the new drive. I just needed to resize the datastore partition to use the unallocated space.

I follwed this guide.

Though this is quite an old post, I'm working on a plan for similar migrations of Windows failover cluster VMware VMs using physical RDM disk migration from old data center to new data center. The server and storage will be new but similar models. Use the vmkfstools command to map a pass-through raw device to a file on a VMFS volume. With the mapping, a virtual machine can bypass ESXi SCSI command filtering when accessing its virtual disk. This type of mapping is useful when the virtual machine must send proprietary SCSI commands, for example, when SAN-aware software runs on the virtual machine.

Everything went fine up to the last step. I was able to use partedUtil resize command with no problem. I chaecked after and the end sector had been correctly changed for the datasore partition. Also verified the partition was at the end of the table with the free space after it.

When I try the last command vmkfstools –growfs it always comes back with Error No such file or directory. I have verified it is the correct name and it is listed in /dev/devices/ .

Below is my exact command with the device name and partion number.

Vmkfstools Windows 10

vmkfstools –growfs “/vmfs/devices/disks/t10.ATA_____MKNSSDCR240GB_________________________00_MKN1210A0000051844__:3” “/vmfs/devices/disks/t10.ATA_____MKNSSDCR240GB_________________________00_MKN1210A0000051844__:3”

Vmkfstools Windows 10 64-bit

I know the device name looks weird and really long but that’s really what it is. It worked in all the prior commands just fine.


Vmkfstools Windows 10 Pro

Any ideas?



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