The Human Pin Code Pdf

To receive employment and income verification, the verifier will need a 6digit code called a “Salary Key”. You can have a maximum of 3 “Salary Keys” at one time. Follow These Easy Steps: The employee should go to The Work Number at: Or call 1-800-367-2884. Nov 21, 2014 Douglas Forbes, the author of the book named ‘Human Pin Code’, says that he had tested the code on over 25 thousand people in 25 years. Forbes makes remarks about human pin code: “Your pin code reveals your strengths and weaknesses. The sacred formula of your faith and your date of birth presents you a different guide map.

The Human Pin Code Pdf Download


Everything has a meaning in life. We come to life, grow up, and when the time comes we leave this earth. Would you like to question the meanings of the numbers this time? Let’s start with calculating your pin code. Every individual has an 8 digit pin code. The ninth number that we come up with adding these numbers together gives us our life sense number. Do not underestimate those numbers. Each of them presents you clues about your character, your lack of relationships, your position in your business life, and your dreams for the future. The only thing you need to do is to calculate the number as explained. The results are going to surprise you as much as they surprised us.

Douglas Forbes, the author of the book named ‘Human Pin Code’, says that he had tested the code on over 25 thousand people in 25 years. Forbes makes remarks about human pin code: “Your pin code reveals your strengths and weaknesses. The sacred formula of your faith and your date of birth presents you a different guide map. Every day is a matrix by itself and your date of birth is the key to that matrix. A 9 digit matrix is created based on your birth day, birth month, and birth year. The sum of the first 8 digits gives you your life sense number. When the 9 digits are deciphered, the matrix gives us information about the operating systems that define the dynamics of human character. Number 1 reflects visual-memory; number 2: hearing-sense, number 3: taste-urge, number 4: smell-being practical, number 5: touch-memory, number 6: sense-urge, number 7: spirit-sense, number 8: creation-being practical, and number 9 reflects life with all of its values.”

  • Through this, he arrived at the Human Pin Code – essentially, a complex and sophisticated numerology (though he'd not be thrilled with that description). But it's not a form of determinism. 'Within our programming,' he says, 'there is a choice in how we respond to our environment, which is what makes each of us unique.
  • The Human Pin Code is a scientific method of analysing our personality as imprinted on our day of birth. The Human Pin Code techniques was developed over a period of eighteen years, using tens of thousands of case studies, by Douglas Forbes.' 'A new technique, more than astrology, more than numerology. The Human Pin Code is a scientific.

The Human Pin Code Pdf Printable

Sample pin code analysis: 45115966
How do you calculate your pin code? First, draw 9 squares on a piece of paper. Let’s say your date of birth is May 13, 1972. You should place 13 in the first square. But you can only work with one digit. Therefore, you cannot place 13 in the first square as it is. The sum of 1 and 3 goes into your first square: 4. Put your month of birth into the second square. May is the fifth month, so the number 5 goes into the second square. If your month of birth was December, you were going to have to place 1+2=3 into the second square. The sum of the numerals in your year of birth goes into the third square. 1+9+7+2 makes 19. And 1+9 makes 10. So, you need to place 1+0=1 into the third one. To fill the fourth square sum up the values in the first three squares. 4+5+1 makes 10, so 1+0 makes 1 that goes into the fourth square. For the fifth square, you need to sum up the values of the first and the fourth square, so 1+4= 5 goes into the fifth square. To fill the sixth square, sum up the values of the first and the second squares. 4+5=9 goes into the sixth square. To find the seventh number sum up the values of the second and the third squares. 5+1=6 goes into the seventh square.

The Human Pin Code Pdf File

The meanings of the numbers
To calculate the eighth value, sum up the sixth and the seventh numbers. 9+6=15 and 1+5 makes 6. Therefore, 6 goes into the eighth square. To find your life sense number add all of the 8 numbers together. 4+5+1+1+5+9+6+6 makes 37. 3+7=10 and that gives us 1. That goes into the last square. It is that simple. Each number has a special meaning. For example, number 1 reflects the people who are creative, fun, outgoing, proud, self-confident leaders. Number 2 represents the people with extraordinary imaginations, who value parenting and have strong instincts to protect their families and loved ones. Number 3 expresses a military manner and sets an example to productiveness and order. Number 4 represents honesty, righteousness, integrity. We can tell that you are an adrenalin addict if you have 5s mostly. Number 6 identifies with people who are friendly, compassionate, romantic, quiet, and coherent. 7 identifies with majors that require artistic creativeness such as advertising, acting, painting, sculpting. Number 8 represents people with quiet nature, and who are methodic and patient. 9 reflects intelligent, childish, and artistic spirits, pure minds, innocence.