San Fierro Cops And Robbers Gamemode

One of the main roles on Mike’s Cops and Robbers is the role of a Police officer. As a Cop, you will be tasked with maintaining a safe environment for the citizens of San Andreas, by patrolling the cities of Los Santos, San Fierro and Las Venturas, and pursuing and detaining wanted suspects. RuNix's Cops And RobbersRuNix's Cops And Robbers este un server de Cops And Robbers cu politisti, banditi, medici, civili etc Cei ce stiu ce este acela un Cops And Robbers pot sa dea download la mod cei care nu stiu sa joace RP nu mai downloadati Sa va arat cate ceva din acest mod:- Modul e. San Fierro Cops and Robbers (Getting started) Information I've been working in this gamemode for a month but I got bored and ran out of ideas so therefore I decided to release it as a ' getting started ' script, this script is really good to start your Cops and Robbers gamemode! San Fierro Cops and Robbers is a new server to a community that has been around since 2011. I have decided to return to samp and I have decided to open a CnR server that i used to run back in the day. The goal of the community is to expand into a multi-gaming community. San Fierro Cops And Robbers Gamemode for SA-MP (includes Call Of Duty For SA-MP as a bonus gamemode) - DasNiels/sf-cnr.



CopsSan fierro cops and robbers gamemode samp

Thursday, June 23, 2011

San Fierro Cops And Robbers Gamemode Samp


Cops And Robbers Minecraft Map

Download GM San Fierro Cops-Robbers-RPG v1.0

- Police Officer
- /cuff (PlayerName/ID)
- /m(egaphone) (Message)
- Roadblocks
- /search (PlayerName/ID)
- /suspect (PlayerName/ID) (Reason)
- /ticket (PlayerName/ID)
- /payticket
- /pu (PlayerName/ID)
- /arrest (PlayerName/ID)
- /detain (PlayerName/ID)
- /dropoff (PlayerName/ID)
- /911 (Message) - For Civilians.
- Locked Police vehicles, interior, workable gates and security door using keypads at the garage entrance.
- Army Officer
- Working gates at entrance.
- Working vehicles including tanks.
- Extra mapped base onto the current base.
- FBI Officer (500 Score)
- Mapped FBI Base.
- FBI interior including working keypad security doors, and a lift to the garage and roof.
- Working entry/exit gates to garage.
- CIA Officer (Admin assigned)
- Mapped CIA Base.
- CIA Interior.
- Working entry/exit gates to the base.
- The ability to use a satelite to view players and what they are doing.
- The ability of CIA to /tackle to disable players.
- Police Air Support && Marine Support
- 2 seperate bases.
- 2 sets of vehicles at each base: Helicopters && Police boats.
- Medics
- All players can call a medic with /medic.
- Medics can use /heal, /healme, cure, /cureme.
- Medics can set the price of their services with /setprice.
- Car Mechanic
- All players can call a mechanic with /mechanic.
- Mechanics can use /repair, /repairme.
- Mechanics can use /setprice to set the price of their services.
- Taxi Driver
- Drivers can enter a taxi vehicle to go on duty.
- Players can call for a taxi with /driver.
- Drivers can use /setprice to set the price of their services. (Pay per minute)
- Civilian (Rapist)
- Can rape players and infect them with STI's that can kill them.
- All players except law enforcement can /rape but cannot infect.
- Civilian (Drug Dealer)
- Players can call for them with /drugdealer.
- Can sell weed to players with /sellweed.
- Can sell heroin to players with /sellheroin.
- Players can use /smokeweed (Grams).
- Players can use /injectheroin.
- Civilian (Weapon Dealer)
- Players can call for them with /weapondealer.
- Can show their weapons with /showweapons.
- Can sell weapons with /sellweapon.
- Civilian (Hitman)
- Can kill players on the hit list.
- Can view hitlist with /hitlist.
- Players can place hits on other players with /placehit.
- Civilian (Kidnapper)
- Can kidnap players with /kidnap (Must have rope).
- /Untie command for all players.
- /cutrope command for all players (Must have scissors).
- Civilian (Theif)
- Can rob players with /rob.
- Civilian (Car Jacker)
- Has to find bought cars from Otto's Cars and enter them to steal them.
- Takes the stolen cars to the shipyard (Marked with an anchor).
- Can use /sellcar to sell the stolen car to the shipyard.
- Civilian (Terrorist)
- Can buy C4 from the bomb shop behind Wang Cars. (Marked with BS).
- Can blow their vehicle with /blowcar.
- Can blow the CIA main building with /blowup.
- Can blow the CIA Satelite with /blowup.
- Can blow the CIA Bridge with /blowup.
- Terrorism Level that enables you to blow certain things up at certain levels.
- Can check /tlevel to see this level.
- Robable places around San Fierro
- Can rob these places with /robstore.
- Supa Save.
- Four Drug Houses.
- Garcia Burger Shot.
- Downtown Burger Shot.
- Ocean Flats Cluckin Bell.
- Downtown Cluckin Bell.
- Ammunation.
- GayDar Station (Bar).
- Zero's.
- Misty's (Bar).
- GYM.
- Driving School.
- Wang Cars.
- Train Station.
- Barbers.
- Hospital.
- Jizzy's Nightclub.
- Esplanade North Well Stacked Pizza.
- Downtown Zip.
- Downtown Victim.
- Juniper Hill Binco.
- The City Hall.
- A few more i might have forgot. (All are markered).
- Tram Driver NPC
- Tram Driver named Billy.
- He drives around San Fierro on the tram route, making a stop at:
- Downtown, Financial, Esplanade North, Calton Heights, Garcia and Doherty.
- Inventory
- Can store C4, Rope and Money in it.
- Use /inventory to access it.
- Map Icons
- Every possible place that can be entered or robbed etc has been marked on the map with a marker.
- Auto Wanted Level and Auto Jail
- Wanted Level and Jail Time are both saved on exit.
- When you re-enter, your level/jailtime will be given to you.
- IRC Commands according to your level on IRC: Voice, halfop, op, admin and owner.
- Everything from ingame is echoed to IRC.
- Admin IRC channel shows the stuff only admins should see ingame, on IRC.
- Admin Levels
- Admin levels 1-5 and 1337. (1337 being owner).
- Has a range of admin commands that can be viewed with /adcmds.
- Simple Anti-Cheat
- Ban's Illegal weapons and Cash hacks.
- Supa Save (Store)
- Can buy: Rope, scissors, sausage rolls (/sausage), needle and syringe.
- Can also be robbed.
- Regular Player Commands
- Roadblocks are locked to RP's.
- /rc (Chat).
- /afk and /back.
- Random hostnames
- Hostname changes every 2 minutes with some different messages.
- Random Messages
- Random messages that are helpful are messaged to all players every 2 minutes.
- Bank
- To store your cash.
- Can also transfer money to other accounts.
- Businesses
- 2 Non-Dynamic Businesses. (Must be set owner via playerfiles).
- Otto's Cars.
- 4 Drug Houses (1 Owner).
- Owner's recieve all profits when online, and offline (In to bank when offline).
- Non automatic vehicles
- Must use '2' or /engineon/off to start the vehicle engine.
- Can use the following: /lightson, /lightsoff, /bonnetup, /bonnetdown, /bootup, /bootdown.
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