Flex Library

PrimeFlex is a lightweight, responsive CSS utility library to accompany Prime UI libraries and static web pages as well.

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  • Call your library libabc.a, then use the command line: gcc. Alternatively, if you want GCC to recognise the library abc and link it via -labc, assuming abc is a static library, make sure your library file/archive abc is named libabc.a, and it is either located in one of the directories GCC searches for.a files.
  • Dec 17, 2020 However, Flex library users will enjoy a 21-day check-out period and the ability to check out up to 10 items at any one time. If a cardholder reaches the limit of 10 flex check-outs, that user can return a checked-out item in order to borrow another title, enjoying rolling access to materials.

CSS Utilities:

  • Utility First
  • Grid System
  • Flexbox Utilities
  • Spacing
  • Elevation
  • Font Utilities
  • Sizing
  • Color System
  • Responsive
  • Form Layout
  • Icons
  • Optimized Size

How to make use of it:

The Nextera DNA Library Prep Kit has been obsolesced. For whole-genome sequencing, Nextera DNA Flex Library Prep Kit is the recommended replacement product. For ATAC-seq and other custom applications, contact your local Illumina Sales representative to order stand-alone components TDE1 Tagment DNA Enzyme (Catalog No. 15027865) and TD Tagment DNA Buffer (Catalog No.

1. Install and import the PrimeFlex with NPM.

2. Or immediately load the next stylesheets in your doc.

Full-featured CSS Utility Library, PrimeFlex Plugin/Github


See Demo And Download

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Official Page:Go to website
Last Update:April 14, 2016



flex.css is a lightweight CSS library that makes it easier to generate responsive, complex, cross-platform web layout for both desktop and mobile. Heavily based on CSS3 flexbox model.

Nextera Dna Flex Library Prep Protocol

How to use it:

Flex Library Schedule Ideas

Just include the flex.css into your document and we’re ready to go.

Nextera Dna Flex Library Prep Kit

Create the web layout using flex and flex-box attributes like this:

Available parameters for the flex attribute.

  • dir: top, right, bottom or left
  • main: right, left, justify or center
  • cross: top, bottom, baseline, center or stretch
  • wrap: ture/false. Allows long words to be able to be broken and wrap onto the next line

Flex Library Free Download

See Also: